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Boiler Remove and Replace

Barnhart was hired to remove and replace a waste heat boiler in a hydrocracker unit at a refinery in California. The first step was to receive the new waste heat boiler, offload and stage it on site to be ready to be loaded to a PSTe trailer prior to a plant shutdown.

The team then mobilized with a 80' Cantilever Beam and quad block system built with multipurpose girders and counterweight blocks capable of reaching 29' into the structure to remove the old 75,000-pound unit.

The boilers were transported down a narrow roadway surrounded by active equipment. Both boilers were transferred to and from the staging area utilizing a PSTe and offloaded from the truck by 44A gantries.

The new unit, which weighed 145,000 pounds, was successfully installed with the cantilever and quad block system. The job was completed in a week because Barnhart sequenced operations to minimize their impact during a critical path project.